Aesthetic Clinic

Buttocks without implants


General or regional anesthesia


1-2 hours of surgery


No hospitalization required


1-8 days of rest

Buttocks without implants

One of the parts of the body most admired by men and women is the buttocks, which is why many people feel self-conscious about having sagging buttocks or simply not having a voluminous buttocks.

Buttock augmentation surgery without implants known as gluteal lipoinjection or buttock augmentation with fat, greatly improves the appearance of the derrier or back of those who have it done and also considerably improves self-esteem because they can show off a perfect, voluminous and natural tail.

The gluteal lipoinjection is a new technique that offers very natural results. It is indicated for those who wish to increase the volume of their buttocks and do not want silicone implants. The fat injection has the advantage of allowing the surgeon to place the necessary amount of fat in those areas where it is needed, facilitating the shaping of the buttocks. It is also the perfect procedure for patients who wish to remove unwanted fat from some part of the body and at the same time shape and increase the volume of the buttocks.

This procedure must be performed by an experienced Plastic Surgeon such as Dr. Carlos Rivera who has the necessary knowledge and professionalism, which added to his human quality generates the necessary confidence to perform this type of surgery, so if you are thinking of having a gluteoplasty with gluteal lipoinjection do not hesitate to contact him, to ensure a successful result to the level of your expectations.

For people over 18 years old. The ideal candidates are those who are 10 to 20% overweight above their ideal weight and have very localized fat deposits.

The gluteal lipoinjection or gluteoplasty with own fat allows the extraction of fat from the individual with previous evaluation and marking of sectors of the body where there are fat accumulations, such as abdomen, legs, back, among others, this fat is then subjected to a special preparation, and through an appropriate technique the injection of fat into the muscle in the areas previously determined by the surgeon in his evaluation is performed. In this way, two problems can be handled simultaneously, the correction of excess fat and the increase of gluteal volume, following the aesthetic canons of each person.

The surgeon will need to make some very small incisions (2-3 mm) to insert the cannulas, which usually heal very well and are practically invisible.

Buttock lipoinjection is a procedure that is not particularly painful. During the postoperative period the patient must take some medications such as antibiotics and painkillers pre-prescribed by the surgeon.

On average it is a surgery that is performed in an hour to an hour and a half.

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia or regional anesthesia with sedation.

It is an outpatient procedure that does not require hospitalization.

With the surgical technique used by Dr. Rivera, recovery is fast and very satisfactory for the patient, as long as the medical indications are carefully followed. Patients can return to their normal activities within a week after the liposuction surgery. Buttock augmentation with fat has a shorter recovery period than buttock surgery with implants.

For foreign patients the surgeon must make recommendations on the recovery time that entail stay within the city since for patient safety is requested that the patient must be at least 3 days before the scheduled date for surgery in order to take prophylaxis or preventive measures with the plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist since the safety protocol indicates that if the patient comes from a trip of 6 or more hours, he/she must wait 72 hours to be operated since staying still for a long time in the plane, affects circulation, and the risk of thromboembolism in the operation is higher, should wait 72 hours to undergo surgery, since staying still in the plane for a long time affects the circulation, and the risk of thromboembolism during the operation is higher. This simple preventive measure greatly reduces the number of complications. This prevention is advisable for those coming from Europe, West Coast of the United States, New York, Canada, Argentina or Chile, those coming from Miami, the wait is reduced to 48 hours. Air travel after your nose surgery or rhinoplasty is advised after 10 days of surgery as it could cause bleeding or barotrauma due to the change in air pressure. Patients with nasal packing will not be able to fly until the nasal packing is removed. It is important that the plastic surgeon issues a medical certification document that will be required by the aeronautical authorities for travelers. The certificate must be issued no later than 10 days before the date of travel.

For foreign patients the surgeon must make recommendations on the recovery time that entail stay within the city since for patient safety is requested that the patient must be at least 3 days before the scheduled date for surgery in order to take prophylaxis or preventive measures with the plastic surgeon and the anesthesiologist since the safety protocol indicates that if the patient comes from a trip of 6 or more hours, he/she must wait 72 hours to undergo surgery, should wait 72 hours to undergo surgery, since staying still in the plane for a long time affects the circulation, and the risk of thromboembolism during the operation is higher. This simple preventive measure greatly reduces the number of complications. This prevention is advisable for those who come from Europe, West Coast of the United States, New York, Canada, Argentina or Chile, those who come from Miami, the wait is reduced to 48 hours. After a gluteoplasty with lipoinjection the ideal is that the patient does not travel before 8 or 10 days or is performed according to the indications of the plastic surgeon since the recovery and healing times are different in each of the patients, and each of the cases must be individualized. Patients who live nationwide will need 7 days before their trip. It is important that the plastic surgeon issues a medical certification document that will be required by the aeronautics to travelers. The certificate must be issued no later than 10 days before the date of travel.

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